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Saturday, 7 April 2012

Acne Medicine

acne,problem,clogging,pores,pimples,occur,face, neck, backbody,problem,good diet,
acne medicine,skin,

Many people have to deal with acne. This very annoying problem can happen to anyone at anytime in his or her life. Acne is the clogging of pores. They are often times called pimples and can occur on the face, neck, back any many other parts of the body. Acne is some thing that is more common to be found in teenagers and adolescents. It is not restricted to any certain age group and can be found to be a problem for many adults as well. Having one or two pimples may not be a...
Many people have to deal with acne. This very annoying problem can happen to anyone at anytime in his or her life. Acne is the clogging of pores. They are often times called pimples and can occur on the face, neck, back any many other parts of the body. Acne is some thing that is more common to be found in teenagers and adolescents. It is not restricted to any certain age group and can be found to be a problem for many adults as well. Having one or two pimples may not be a problem for most people. It is when ‘there is a group of acne’ lurking on your face and body that is uncontrollable. Many people are very self-conscious about their acne problem. It can be hard for anyone to deal with if the problem persists and is out of control.

Using acne medicine is just one way that you can get an acne problem under control. There are many medicines out there on the market for people to purchase. Many of the over the counter acne medicines work just fine. These medications can be used for most people of any age and will resolve the problem with in a few weeks. There are creams, gels, and even tablets that can help with an acne problem. Many people will find that using the ointments as soon as they see the pimples start to appear will find that the medicine will help the problem. However, some people have to get a prescription for their acne problem in order to get it under control. The main thing to remember is to keep your face clean. You must use a good cleanser and a good moisturizer in order to keep your face free and clear from any blemishes.

 You can use many of the toners and cleansers sold in the stores today. Some of the cleaners even have special ingredients in them to clear up or keep away pimples. Many of the acne medicines on the market are designed to help heal and conceal the blemish. You can find many of the creams out there to be tinted to match your skin tone. This will help to hide the pimple while the acne medicine is helping to heal it. You will feel more confident and at ease when you do not have to worry about showing the world your pimple. When you eat a good diet, drink plenty of water, cleanse well, and use the right acne medicine, you will have a better complexion and be more confident in the way that you look. It is never too late to take care of your skin and you can improve the way you look and feel.


Resolved Question

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What r some good acne cleansing pads that get rid of the acne but make your skin over all look better?

nothings working and most treaments are to harsh and make my skindry and dont get ride of the acne. also it makes my skin rough.
i jus need a cleansing pad thats good for my skin.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Your skin will keep going downhill if you keep putting products on it and keep trying to scrub it and stuff. You have sebum on your skin for a reason, its there to protect your skin. You use products and cleansing pads, you are removing the sebum, so your skin will get worse over time. Stop washing too often, stop washing too roughly. Focus on diet more, and on products and treating the skin externally LESS.

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Other Answers (7)

  • PP
    Acne Rid or remove

    STOP popping the spots, also known as pimples and zits. This may make the pimple look worse due to inflammation and irritation. Popping a zit can spread infection under the skin and produce even more pimples than before. If you do pop a spot then immediately clean it with soap and water or rubbing alcohol in order to prevent infection. If a pimple erupts in a particularly bothersome place, learn how to target a single pimple. And if you're determined to pop, learn how to pop a pimple safely and properly. If you do pop a pimple and you want to avoid anything resembling Western medicine, one thing to try is put a mixture of honey and ground cinnamon on the spot. Put a band-aid on it also. You may also want to stay away from stress.

    Remove any make-up you have on. Wearing make-up can clog pores, making them dirty and causing pimples. Also try to wear oil-free makeup (if you have oily skin) or a medicated makeup.

    Use a mild soap for sensitive skin but it doesn't matter exactly what type of soap you use. It can be designed for acne-prone skin or not, but you will want to treat your skin gently. Harsh antibacterial soap may actually make your acne worse by irritating skin.

    Remove dead skin cells regularly by exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub with natural defoliants like ground walnut shells, or use an over-the-counter chemical defoliant like salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Adding ground walnut shell to a thick moisturizer like cocoa butter can be effective too. Take caution, because over-exfoliating can actually increase the likelihood of acne by irritating the skin. Pat dry, rather than rubbing, since rubbing can cause irritation to the fresh skin you've just revealed.

    Use a good toner. Spray onto face or wipe on with a cotton ball and wipe off with a clean, dry cotton ball. This gets rid of excess cleanser and tightens pores. Good, inexpensive choices include plain witch hazel for normal to dry skin, lemon juice, or 3% hydrogen peroxide for oily skin. 70% ethyl rubbing alcohol can also be used for severe oiliness, but it can really dry out your skin and irritate it more. Some toners are medicated, and this stage is the best for using a medicated product if you're only going to use one medication.

    Bacteria in pores is one cause of spots. Reduce the amount of bacteria by using toners containing anti-bacterial agents like alcohol, peroxide and benzalkonium chloride, and by using creams that contain benzoyl peroxide (ask your doctor about benzaclin, with moisturizer if you have dry skin, as it works better than just plain benzoyl because benzoyl takes up to 8 weeks before improvement is seen) which kill bacteria as well as cause the skin to regenerate faster.
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  • Here are a few tips that will help you know how to treat acne at home.
    1. If you have red angry looking acne, don't touch it. If you squeeze now, all you'll do is force the contents deeper into the skin that will make matters worst. And all you'll end up with is redder, angrier acne than you had before. Don't do it.
    2. If you have a yellow custard top? Go for it. These beauties CAN be squeezed but there's an art to it. Here's how. Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid trouble and infection. Put a tissue over your finger. Why? Because you want the contents of the spot on the tissue, not splattered all over the mirror. Using the side of your thumb and the end of your finger, very gently start to squeeze. Don't whatever you do, use your nails as this will damage your skin. Stop when you're applying a lot of pressure and nothing is happening and you see clear fluid, rather than yellow grotty stuff and the spot begins to bleed. When you've finished dab it with antiseptic. Once the custard bit is out, the spot will heal more quickly than an unsqueezed yellow top would, providing that you now leave it well alone. Now wash your hands again.
    3. Whiteheads and blackheads. If acne is left untreated they may cause this problem. Here the rule is if they're black, squeeze but if they're small, white raised lumps leave them alone. All that stuff about clean hands, tissues and stopping if nothing is happening or you see blood, apply here too.
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  • Here are Some skin Treatments (oh and pads i don't recommend because it doesn't clean everything like they say they do gels and liquid clean better):

    Clinique - I'm getting this soon because there are amazing reviews on it
    Proavtiv- Does work but after you stop using it,
    clean and clear- didn't do anything for my skin
    neutrogena - didn't work!!
    and many others:…

    but go with clinique if you have oily or just really dry click this link : and up at the top where it says 3step put your mouse courser on it and then you will see skin consultation at the bottom click that and at the end it will tell you exactly what you need for your skin.

    Also if your skin is d try these, now you have 5 to pick from:… either way they might seem expensive but the gel one in the tube I have heard is better than the lotion.

    coupon codes:…
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  • There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.

    It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It's been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)

    Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.

    This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:

    Search up "Cee En's Acne Solution" on ebay.

    First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can purchase 1 month supply for $40, 3 month for $100, or 6 month supply for $150

    It's expensive, but the product DOES work.

    My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.

    I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.

    check the seller's feedbacks on the cream

    I hope this helps. =)
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  • Apple Cider Vinegar. Put a little on a cotton pad and wipe over your face morning and night. Is a natural cleanser, exfoliate, and balances skin's ph. I have tried and it works. Leaves your skin nice and soft, and a lot clearer (less pimples). Skin goes red initially for a minute or two, but once this clears, long term skin is a lot less red.

    May sting at 1st when you put on. (if too strong, or stings skin too much, just mix with water)
    0% 0 Votes
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  • I heard Burt's Bees do some good acne solutions, including cleansing cream, and facial cleanser. I don't use the cleanser but I use the beeswax balm on my dry skin and lips and it works a treat.

    Good Luck x


    Teen Vogue Magazine
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  • I would suggest Oxy pads, but Aveeno also work well..

    Here are some lists of recomended skin care products and reviews:…
    • 2 years ago

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